urgent credit opportunity

1-Age substance at least 18 years and also in 85 years.
2 - The first refund will be 3 months after receipt of the funds from your bank account.
3-Have a source of income.
4-Substance holder of a bank account to transfer funds
5-Substance a person of good morality and be in a position to repay the loan.
6-Your request must be between 3 000 and 8 000 000.
7-The repayment period must be between 1 and 480 months.
8-TEG annual fixed (a) from 2 to 3% a little be the parameters of your request (amount and duration).
9 - Financing is received 48 hours after acceptance of your file.
10-You have no proof of upgrade to provide. They do what they want with their loan: they decide!
11 - You can ask for the deferral of a monthly payment each year.
12 - You can pay all or gone of your loan without penalty. In case of partial repayment, you can shorten your loan or reduce your monthly payment.
Then if all this pleases I appreciate the current in order that I reach the parts to be provided.
His very affectionate.